The ACM/IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI) is a premier venue on IoT. To reflect the interconnection of IoT with both cloud computing and cyber-physical systems, IoTDI is co-located in even years with IEEE IC2E and in odd years with CPS-IoT Week. In 2019, IoTDI will be held for the fourth time, and will be part of CPS-IoT WEEK 2019.
13. [Apr. 2019] IoTDI Awards:
a. BEST PAPER: TargetFinder: Privacy Preserving Target Search through IoT Cameras
Youssef Khazbak (The Pennsylvania State University); Junpeng Qiu (Facebook); Tianxiang Tan, Guohong Cao (The Pennsylvania State University)
a. BEST POSTER: IoT-enabled Traffic Analysis: A Case Study
Linna Wu and Huan Li (Beihang University); Feng Ren and Lizhuo Zhang (Broadsense Information Technology Co.).
b. BEST DEMO: DDFlow Visualized Declarative Programming for Heterogeneous IoT Networks on Heliot Testbed Platform
Joseph Noor, Sandeep Singh Sandha, Luis Garcia, and Mani Srivastava (University of California, Los Angeles)
12. [Apr. 2019] IoTDI Best Paper Nominees:
a. APEX: Automatic Precondition Execution with Isolation and Atomicity in Internet-of-Things
Qian Zhou, Fan Ye (Stony Brook University)
b. DeviceMien: Network Device Behavior Modeling for Identifying Unknown IoT Devices
Jorge Ortiz (Rutgers University); Catherine H Crawford, Franck Le (IBM Research)
c. D2TLS: Delegation-based DTLS for Cloud-based IoT Services
Eunsang Cho, Minkyung Park, Hyunwoo Lee, Junhyeok Choi, Ted "Taekyoung" Kwon (Seoul National University)
d. TargetFinder: Privacy Preserving Target Search through IoT Cameras
Youssef Khazbak (The Pennsylvania State University); Junpeng Qiu (Facebook); Tianxiang Tan, Guohong Cao (The Pennsylvania State University)
11. [Apr. 2019] Slides for the joint IoTDI/IPSN panel have been posted.
10. [Mar. 2019] Joint IoTDI/IPSN panel information has been posted.
9. [Mar. 2019] IoTDI 2019 Program has been posted.
8. [Mar. 2019] List of posters and demos is up.
7. [Mar. 2019] Travel grants for non-US institutions are also available now.
Deadline: March 8, 2019.
6. [Mar. 2019] Travel Grants for CPS-IoT Week 2019 are now avialable. Note: only for US-based institutions.
Deadline: March 5, 2019.
5. [Mar. 2019] N2Women
Young Researcher Fellowship awards is now available. A student, working as a post-doc, or in the 1st or 2nd year of
your new research career. These awards will partially cover a young researcher’s travel cost (up to $1000) to a meeting where an N2Women event will be held. In exchange, the young researcher must help organize the N2Women meeting. The benefit of doing the organization, in addition to the travel funds, is for the young researcher to connect with the organizers of the conference who are, typically, leaders in the research field. We will arrange for a faculty or research member of N2Women to assist/mentor the young researcher in this task. Support for these N2Women Young Researcher Fellowship awards has been generously provided by ACM SIGMOBILE, ACM SIGCOMM, IEEE ComSoc, IEEE CS TCCC, Microsoft Research, HP Labs, Google Research and Facebook.
Deadline: March 15, 2019. [For CPS-IoT Week 2019.]
4. [Feb. 2019] Registration is open.
3. [Feb 2019] Venue, travel and visa information has been updated.
2. [January 2019] Call for Posters and Demos is up. The posters & demos submission site is up. The submission date has been updated to January 30, 2019.
1. [Oct. 2018] IoTDI 2019 Submission site is ready now closed.
1. [BEST POSTER] "IoT-enabled Traffic Analysis: A Case Study" by Linna Wu and Huan Li (Beihang University); Feng Ren and Lizhuo Zhang (Broadsense Information Technology Co.).
2. "Wireless Access to Ultimate Virtual Reality 360-Degree Video" by Huanle Zhang, Zhicheng Yang, and Prasant Mohapatra (University of California, Davis, CA, USA)
3. "A SimPy-based Simulation Testbed for Smart-city IoT Applications" by Neha Karanjkar, Poorna Chandra Tejasvi, and Bharadwaj Amrutur (Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber-Physical Systems, Indian Institute of Science)
4. "Supporting Fog/Edge-based Cognitive Assistance IoT Services for the Visually Impaired" by Shashank Shekhar (Siemens Corporate Technology); Ajay Chhokra, Hongyang Sun, Aniruddha Gokhale, Abhishek Dubey, and Xenofon Koutsokos (Vanderbilt University)
5. "IoT Testbed for Dynamic Management of Fine dust in Indoor Environments" by Jongkwon Son, Myung-Eun Kim, and Young-Sung Son (IOT Research Division, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI))
6. "Neural Sensor Translation" by Md Abu Sayeed Mondol and John A. Stankovic (University of Virginia)
7. "BESI: Behavior Learning and Tracking with Wearable and In-Home Sensors - A Dementia Case-Study" by Ridwan Alam, Nutta Homdee, Sean Wolfe, James Hayes, and John Lach (University of Virginia)
1. "Heterogeneous Social Sensing Edge Computing System for Deep Learning based Disaster Response" by Daniel (Yue) Zhang and Dong Wang (University of Notre Dame)
2. "IoT-enabled Highway Safety Pre Warning System" by Feng Ren and Lizhuo Zhang (Broadsense Company); Huan Li (Beihang University)
3. "Participatory Design Fiction for Innovation in Everyday Wearable IoT Systems" by Helen Oliver (The Alan Turing Institute/University of Cambridge)
4. [BEST DEMO] "DDFlow Visualized Declarative Programming for Heterogeneous IoT Networks on Heliot Testbed Platform" by Joseph Noor, Sandeep Singh Sandha, Luis Garcia, and Mani Srivastava (University of California, Los Angeles)
IoTDI 2019 will be colocated with CPS-IoT Week 2019 in Montreal, QC, Canada.
The conference will be hosted at the Fairmont, Queen Elizabeth Hotel. Please click here for reservations.
Click here for visa information traveling from outside Canada.
The CPS-IoT Week site has more information about the venue, how to get there, etc.
The ACM/IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI) is a premier venue on IoT. To reflect the interconnection of IoT with both cloud computing and cyber-physical systems, IoTDI is co-located in even years with IEEE IC2E and in odd years with CPS-IoT Week. In 2019, IoTDI will be held for the fourth time, and will be part of CPS-IoT WEEK 2019.
A confluence of technological advances marks the advent of a new era. World data volume is growing at an unprecedented pace, much of it from embedded devices. Smart cities are expected to grow, fed by millions of data points from multitudes of human and physical sources. Cyber-attacks grow more nefarious, bringing down physical systems. Social networks are becoming ubiquitous, offering information on physical things. The separation between cyber, physical, and social systems is blurring. Collectively, these developments lead to the emergence of a new field, where the networking and physical realms meet. It is the field of the Internet of Things (IoT). This conference is an interdisciplinary forum to discuss challenges, technologies, and emerging directions in system design and implementation that pertain to IoT. This conference invites researchers and practitioners from academia, industry and government, and accepts original, previously unpublished work on a range of topics related to IoT.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Accepted papers of particular merit will be invited to submit an extended version to the ACM Transactions on the Internet of Things (TIOT).
IPSN and IoTDI are collaborating to create new synergies, and also exploiting their CPS-IoT WEEK bi-annual co-location. Prospective authors are thus strongly encouraged to consider these guidelines when submitting papers:
The TPC chairs of both conferences may agree to move a submitted paper from one to the other if they see a better fit, subject to the authors’ consent. The final decision about where to submit, and therefore what program committee will review the work, ultimately rests with the authors.
Abstract submission deadline [firm]: Wednesday, October 10, 2018 [11:59 PM Anywhere on Earth]
Paper submission deadline [firm]: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 [11:59 PM Anywhere on Earth]
Author rebuttal due: Monday, December 10, 2018 [11:59 PM Anywhere on Earth]
Notification deadline: Tuesday, January 18, 2019 [11:59 PM Anywhere on Earth]
Camera ready submission deadline [firm]: Friday, February 15, 2019 [11:59 PM Anywhere on Earth]
CPS-IoT Week is the premier event on Cyber-Physical Systems. This year it brings together five top conferences, HSCC, ICCPS, IPSN, IoTDI and RTAS]
In addition to full-length technical papers, IoTDI welcomes exciting demonstrations of novel IoT technology, applications, and hardware, as well as posters showing promising early work from both industry and academia. The selection of demonstration and posters will be based on a two-page abstract, evaluated in terms of technical merit, innovation, and the potential to stimulate lively discussions and exchange of ideas at the conference. Accepted poster and demonstration abstracts will appear in the regular conference proceedings. At least one author of every accepted abstract is required to register and present the work at the conference.
IPoster and demonstration abstracts should be at most 2 single-spaced US Letter (8.5” x 11”) pages, including all figures, tables, and references. The review process is single blind, so there is no need to anonymize the submissions. All submissions must use the ACM proceedings template (LaTeX is preferred) available here. Demonstration abstracts should list any special requirements (tables, power, wireless connectivity, etc.) in the submission on a separate third page. This third page is not part of the technical content of the abstract, can be formatted at the discretion of the authors, and will not be included in the camera-ready version of your abstract. The title of the abstract should be prepended with "Poster Abstract:" or "Demo Abstract:". Please make sure to include the name, affiliation, and contact information of all authors.
Please submit here.
Abstract submission deadline [firm]:
January 30, 2019 [UPDATED]
[11:59 PM Anywhere on Earth]
Acceptance Notification deadline:
February 8, 2019
[11:59 PM Anywhere on Earth]
Camera ready submission deadline [firm]:
Friday, February 15, 2019
[11:59 PM Anywhere on Earth]