WS02 - Technology-Driven Software Engineering Curriculum Development
Emanuel Grant and Venky Shankararaman
(Workshop Website)
The goal of the workshops is the identification of commonalities in teaching software engineering across the
territories and institutions represented, and the identification of a fundamental set of topics, and course material
in support of learning outcomes for teaching software engineering at the undergraduate level. The researchers
will bring expertise from multiple sub-disciplines to ensure that each workshop panel is serviced by an expert in
the interest area. Notwithstanding the levels of expertise of each researcher, an outcome of the workshop will
be the acquisition of new knowledge and skills in curriculum and syllabus development, and teaching and learning
assessment strategies and techniques. The data gathered from the workshop will result in an integrated
environment that leverages a set of best practices, with respect to software engineering teaching techniques,
processes, and material - towards the definition of an international collaborative teaching paradigm.
The main activities of the workshop will be the breakout panel sessions and the wrap-up plenary session.
For the breakout panel sessions, the participants will be divided into panel groups that conducted discussions towards
the identification of program/course outcomes and link the identified outcomes to a set of software engineering course
topics. Each panel will have a Moderator, whose tasks are the following::
- Guide the discussions through the list of topics in a timely manner,
- Record the decisions and votes taken by the panel,
- Seek clarification and issues that are not resolved, and
- Participate in the discussions.
In the wrap-up plenary session, reports from the Moderators will be presented, so that each participant had knowledge
of the discussions from the other groups and the decisions made. Moderators will be selected from those participants
who have submitted position papers.
Intended participants must register on the workshop website
by filling
out the online registration form. In addition, intended participants may submit a three to four page position paper that
outlines their specific interest, anticipated contribution, and expected outcome of the workshop. Each submission will
follow a double blind review by at least two members of the program committee, and the committee's decision and
reviewers' comments returned to the authors one week of the submission deadline. Accepted position papers will
appear in the conference proceedings.
Important Dates
Position Paper Submission Deadline: Friday February 21, 2014
Acceptance Notification: Monday February 24, 2014
Camera-Ready Deadline: Friday February 28, 2014