With the development of Cloud computing and the Internet of Things (IoT), more services are emerging across multiple domains, networks and the cyber-physical world. This will eventually result in a new paradigm, i.e. the Internet of Services (IoS), where everything (from resources to personal interactions) is available as a service on the Internet. By selecting and aggregating these services, it is able to create composite service solutions and combine service resources to meet the requirements of and create value for customers. However, the growing complexity and dynamic nature of services make manually managing applications based on service composition a tough and time-consuming task. It is challenging, but a promising way, to build intelligent or autonomic services that are self-configuring and self-managing in IoS.
This special track aims at bringing together contributions and latest research results on intelligent and autonomic services. The track seeks for paper submissions in a wide range of related topics including but not limited to the following:
- Models, methods and solutions for enabling intelligent or autonomic services
- Service evolution in cyber-physical systems, cloud-based systems, and big (data) services, etc.
- QoS- , Context- , Time- , Energy-aware service selection and adaptation
- Intelligent algorithms for service evolution and adaptation
- Software engineering and tools for adaptive service-oriented systems
- Submission Deadline: 20th August 2016
- Notification of Acceptance: 10th September 2016
- Final manuscript due: 25th September 2016
We seek both full and short papers, with page limits of 8 pages and 4 pages, respectively. All papers should use the IEEE Computer Society proceedings format (two column, 10 point, single-spaced, US Letter, no margin smaller than one inch; see http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html)
All papers will be evaluated based on relevance, significance, originality, clarity, and technical merit by two to three technical committee members. Accepted papers will be published by IEEE Computer Society and made available in the IEEE Digital Library.
You can submit the paper through EasyChair using this link:
URL: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=soca2016