


Opportunities and Challenges of Software Engineering Education

“The rapid and continuing growth of the software industry creates opportunities and challenges for software engineering education. For example, how can educators effectively meet the need for large numbers of software engineers? How can we tailor the training of the software engineers to industrial needs at different levels? How can we introduce experience from industry into the curriculum? Also, how can software engineering principles be integrated with each country's special culture?

In addition to these two specific academic themes we also invite submissions that address other particular elements of:

To support these themes the conference will feature:

It is also intended that authors of selected papers and reports will be given the opportunity to extend their papers for publication in a major educational journal.

A special one-day parallel event: the Academy for Software Engineering Education and Training (ASEE&T) will be held on Tuesday April 17, 2012 which will enable new software engineering educators to learn from master instructors in a highly dynamic, hands-on, interactive environment. Flyers for this event are available on the ASEET webpage.

Keynote Speakers

CSEET '12 will feature the following keynote speakers:

Keynote Speaker - Dr. Dongmei Zhang

Title : Software Analytics as a Learning Case in Practice – Approaches and Experiences


Workshops, Papers, and Sessions


Call for Papers

The Call For Papers has been posted, please visit the CFP page for details.

Site contact: Site contact: Dr. Jidong Ge, E-mail: gjd AT