Call for Submissions – IEEE IC2E 2024 Doctoral Symposium

Aim and Scope

The IC2E Doctoral Symposium is a welcoming and supportive forum for PhD Candidates working on Cloud Engineering related research topics to present their work, meet with their peers, and receive constructive feedback from experts in the community including senior faculty and industrial representatives. In addition, the Doctoral Symposium provides an excellent opportunity for PhD Candidates to start building valuable long-term collaborations and to explore career-related topics, including opportunities and concerns related to the job market.

Symposium Format

The event is structured to support interaction among the presenters and the audience so that constructive feedback is gained by the PhD Candidates. Hence, the IC2E Doctoral Symposium consists of student presentations followed by a panel discussion. Each participant will be given time for a short presentation followed immediately by an in-depth and constructive discussion led by the panel. The event will conclude with a panel discussion where panelists will have another opportunity to provide general tips and advice to the group, including job search and career options.

Eligibility and Submission Instructions

The IC2E Doctoral Symposium is open only to active Doctoral Students (official enrolled). The submission should be on a topic relevant to the conference and must follow the IEEE Manuscript Template for Conference Proceedings. Submissions must not exceed the maximum length of 4 pages. The author list must only include the PhD Candidate and optionally the PhD advisor/supervisor.

In terms of structure, the submission must present the research question the student is working on, provide a brief background, introduce a problem description, outline the research methodology and present work performed and any preliminary results. The submission should conclude with a roadmap for completion that outlines ideas to be explored and a timeline for completing the thesis. Authors are encouraged to leave adequate space for this final section as it will be the basis to receive constructive feedback.

The submission must be done in PDF via the web submission form at EasyChair upon selecting the Doctoral Symposium option. Accepted papers will be published in the IC2E Conference Proceedings.

Important Dates:
  • Paper submission deadline: July 7, July 21, 2024 (AoE)
  • Author notification: July 28, 2024 (AoE)
  • Camera-ready copy: August 4, 2024 (AoE)

Accepted Papers and Registration

Accepted submissions must be accompanied by an Author Registration for the main conference. In addition, PhD Candidates with an accepted paper at the main conference (Research/Industry Track) and who have already paid an Author Registration can submit to the Doctoral Symposium and if accepted only bare an addition flat fee of 100 Euros on top of their current registration.