About IEEE ICWS 2019
Since 2005
IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS) has been a prime international forum for both researchers and industry practitioners to exchange the latest fundamental advances in the state of the art and practice of Web-based services, identify emerging research topics, and define the future of Web-based services. All topics regarding Web-based services lifecycle study and management align with the theme of ICWS. In 2019, we will gather to strive to advance the largest international professional forum on Internet/Web based services.
From a technology foundation perspective, Services Computing has become the default discipline in the modern services industry. As a major implementation technology for modernizing services industry, Web services are Internet-based programmable application components published using standard interface description languages and universally available via uniform communication protocols. In its 24th version, the program of ICWS 2019 will continue to feature research papers with a wide range of topics, focusing on various aspects of Internet and web-based services. Some of the topics include Web services discovery and composition, Web services specifications and enhancements, Web services QoS (e.g., security, performance, reliability, fault tolerance, etc.), Web services standards and formalizations, Web services modeling, Web services engineering, Web services testing, Web services-based applications and solutions, Web services realizations, semantics in Web services, Web services supporting Cloud Computing, Web services lifecycle management, and all aspects of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) infrastructure and middleware.
The acceptance rates of its Research Track are listed as follows:
2017 ICWS Acceptance Rate: 20%
2016 ICWS Acceptance Rate: 14%
2015 ICWS Acceptance Rate: 17.4%
2014 ICWS Acceptance Rate: 18%
2013 ICWS Acceptance Rate: 19%
2012 ICWS Acceptance Rate: 17%
2011 ICWS Acceptance Rate: 14%
2010 ICWS Acceptance Rate: 17.6%
2009 ICWS Acceptance Rate: 15.6%
2008 ICWS Acceptance Rate: 16%
2007 ICWS Acceptance Rate: 18%
2006 ICWS Acceptance Rate: 16%
2005 ICWS Acceptance Rate: 18.9%
2004 ICWS Acceptance Rate: 28.7%
2003 ICWS Acceptance Rate: 29.8%