IoTDI 2023

8th ACM/IEEE Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation May 9-12, 2023 — San Antonio, Texas

Camera-Ready Instructions

To prepare the camera ready version of your paper, you need to do the following:

ACM eRights and final submission

  • Authors will receive an email regarding the eRight process to fill out the copyright form.
  • After authors complete their e-Rights forms, they will receive a separate email from ACM TAPS ( This will contain instructions on how to upload your source, supplementary, and auxiliary files for processing.
  • This instructional video on the new ACM TAPS workflow contains useful information.


  • Page limit: The final camera-ready version should include at most 20 pages for technical content (including figures, tables and references). The pages should be single-spaced, 8.5" x 11" with 9-pt font size.
  • Template: Please use the ACM Primary Article template. Use the MANUSCRIPT option to generate a single column version of your draft (\documentclass[manuscript]{acmart}).
  • See here for more details on general instructions for using the ACM template.
  • After completion of the ACM eRights form, you will receive another email from which contains the commands that need to be inserted into your final LaTeX file in order to generate the proper rights statement and Bibstrip data.

Shepherd's approval

If your paper has been assigned a shepherd, work with the shepherd following the recommended timeline below to address comments and issues raised by the reviewers.
  • February 3, 2023 - The authors will propose a preliminary plan through HotCRP comments and get it approved by the shepherd.
  • February 17, 2023 - The authors will provide an update on the progress of the camera ready version through HotCRP comments. Any changes to the original plan should be informed to the shepherd by this deadline.
  • March 3, 2023 - The authors will share the camera ready version with the shepherd through hotcrp. The authors should use colors and annotations in the manuscript and use HotCRP comments to clearly convey how the reviewers' concerns were addressed.
  • March 10, 2023 - The shepherd approves the camera ready version through HotCRP comments.

Camera-ready submission deadline: March 22, 2023 (AOE)