IEEE Services 2019 Industry Program
Industry Chairs
Hemant Jain, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Vito Morreale, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica
Thursday July 11
Location: Sala Crociera Alta di Studi Umanistici (1), Universitá degli Studi di Milano
Session 1 - 11:45 - 13:00
Marco Barbagelata (STAM): Cloudification of Production Engineering for Predictive Digital Manufacturing: Success Stories and Opportunities for the European industry.
Angelo Marguglio (ENGINEERING): A Cloud-to-Edge Architecture for Predictive Analytics
Session 2 - 14:00 - 15:15
Michele Bezzi (SAP): Research work on machine learning and security, including vulnerability analysis and threat intelligence.
Alessandro Masi (OVERIT): Digital Twins, Augmented Reality and IoT: A New Field Service Management Frontier
The objectives of the Industry program at the 2019 SERVICES Congress is to serve as a bridge between academia and industry. Industry experience and application needs can help to ground academic research in reality. Distinguished participants are invited by Industry program chairs to present some of the research problems industry are focusing on. They also challenge academic researchers on some of the most daunting tasks they are facing in real-life situations and seek at-scale solutions. This may develop into collaborative research opportunities. The sessions are highly interactive and very well attended.
Join us in engaging with researchers and research managers from companies like SAP, Zucchetti, IBM, FIAT, TIM, Engineering and other companies make exciting presentations and participate in the discussion.