Full papers (not solely abstracts) must be submitted for review. Only original papers, unpublished nor submitted for publication elsewhere, can be submitted.
The first page should include paper title, abstract, list of keywords indicating the paper topic area and symposium, the authors' full names, affiliations and complete addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses.
Maximum paper length is SIX printed pages (10-point font) including figures, graphics and tables. WiMob 2009 will accept papers that are up to SEVEN pages in length, but the over-length papers will be subject to an overlength fee.
Papers must be written in English with a recommended size of 6 pages. For your submission you can use the standard IEEE Transactions templates for Microsoft Word or LaTeX formats found at http://www.ieee.org/portal/pages/pubs/transactions/stylesheets.html
Your paper must be printable in order to be accepted.
WiMob 2009 is using the EDAS Conference Management System to manage paper submissions process. In order to submit, you must first create a EDAS account if you do not have already one. The EDAS system will e-mail you your password. Then you can login to EDAS using the password you have received by email. EDAS will provide you with a submissions homepage where you can register your paper submission and make appropriate changes.
Authors can submit their papers till June 1, 2009 at: http://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=7306&track=6308