Breakthrough Poster Submission
Perspective authors who have recent breakthrough research progress are invited to submit breakthrough poster abstracts to IEEE/ACM CHASE 2025. The demo/poster papers will be published in the conference proceedings. The breakthrough poster abstract needs to be within two pages (including references) following the ACM conference template.
Submission Instructions
Perspective authors are invited to submit poster and demo papers. The poster and demo submissions will be up to two pages following IEEE conference style. The ACM conference paper templates can be downloaded at ACM Conference Paper Template Information Center.
Please indicate whether the submission is a poster or a demo in the title (e.g. Poster: --- ---- -- ------- or Demo: ---- -- ------ ---). Submitted manuscripts should be single-spaced double-column using 10-point size font on 8.5x11 inch pages, including figures, tables, and references. The authors of accepted demo and poster papers will deliver system demonstrations and poster presentations, respectively. The demo/poster papers will be published in the conference proceedings. If the paper is accepted, at least one of the authors must register at full rate and present it in person at the conference.
Demo and poster paper submission through under Poster/Demo Submission option.
Demo & Poster Co-Chairs
Vanderbilt University, USA -
University of Houston, USA