Keynote I ─ A Real-Time Service-Oriented Framework to Support Sustainable Systems
Kwei-Jay Lin
University of California, Irvine, USA
Sustainability has become an emerging area of study in the past few years. Two forces are behind this growing interest. The first is that many government agencies are enforcing new regulations requiring companies to be accountable for their operations in meeting sustainability. The other is the global awareness toward global warming and the societal demands for green business. It has been generally agreed that information and communication technology (ICT) can be used to improve the efficiency of industrial and business operations for both cost and energy concerns. We investigate a real-time SOA framework to enhance sustainability and predictability in industrial systems. The proposed real-time SOA middleware builds the support for accountability reasoning and global resource management for real-time service processes. Given a service plan and known resource constraints, the middleware monitors the performance and reserves resources in advance for each service in the process to ensure its real-time feasibility.
Kwei-Jay Lin is Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine, USA. He is an IEEE Fellow and co-chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Business Informatics and Systems. He was a Chair Research Fellow at the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, in Taiwan during 2007-2008 and a Distinguished Visitor at the Tsinghua University in China during summer 2009. Before joining UC Irvine, he was an Associate Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Springer Journal on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications, and Editor-in-Chief of the Software Publication Track, Journal of Information Science and Engineering. He was Associate Editors of the IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems and the IEEE Trans. on Computers. He has served on many international conferences, most recently as conference chairs of CEC 2009, SOCA 2009 and SOCA 2010, and program vice-chair of ICPP 2010. His research interest includes service-oriented systems, business informatics technology, real-time systems, distributed systems, and operating systems.
Keynote II ─ New Challenges of Internet of Things
Lionel M. Ni
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
On August 7, 2009, China's Premier Minister Wen visited Wuxi and proposed to build a center of Sensing China, after which the concept of Internet of Things (IoT) spreads quickly all over the country. But what is IoT to the end? Many people don’t really know. Why governments of many cities in Chin are advocating Smart City? How does Smart City relate to IoT? IoT is indeed a super sophisticated decentralized system. I will introduce what IoT is from my perspective; what on earth IoT can solve; what impact IoT can have on industry as well as ordinary life; and what core technologies IoT has to count on.
Lionel M. Ni is Chair Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). He is Chief Scientist of the China National 973 Program on wireless sensor networks, Dean of HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School, and Special Assistant to the President of HKUST. He also holds some visiting appointments as Chair Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, IV Endowed Chair at Tsing Hua University, and AF Professor at Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. A fellow of IEEE and Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences, Dr. Ni has chaired over 30 professional conferences, delivered over 30 keynote speeches, produced 40 Ph.D. students, won six best paper awards, and published three books. According to Google scholar, his research papers, covering high performance computing, high speed networking, distributed systems, mobile computing, and pervasive computing, have been cited for over 10,000 times and his H-index is 47.
Cloud Computing Workshop Keynote ─ Cloud Computing Trends
Hong Cai
IBM China Software Development Lab, China
After nearly three years of the announcement of Cloud Computing initiative, people begin to have deeper understanding of the implication of Cloud. Cloud is not only about massive computing capability, but rather how to expose those powerful computing capabilities as services so that people could access and use those Cloud services immediately with very low cost and low technical skills. Cloud is about virtualization plus standardization plus automation to make services simpler for use. With this in mind, I will introduce top ten trends of the Cloud business development and top ten trends of Cloud technology development.
Dr. Hong Cai is a senior technical professional in IBM China Software Development Lab (CDL). He is a technical lead of Cloud/SaaS software incubation project in Emerging Technology Institute of CDL with the experience of leading projects crossing SaaS/PaaS/IaaS layers. He is also Chair of IBM Technical Expert Council of Great China Group. Before he moved to CDL in 2008, he has been working at IBM China Research Lab starting from 1997. Dr. Hong Cai is an IEEE Senior Member, co- Editor in Chief of International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing, and AE of IEEE Transactions of Services Computing. He has published about 50 papers and filed over 10 patents. He has served on many international conferences including, Industry Co-Chair of CEC 2010, Program Vice Co-Chair of CEC'09, Steering Committee of ICSS 2008, Workshop Co-Chair of WebX 2008/2007, Industry Track Chairs of ICMeCEG 2008, etc. He has also served as PC members of over 10 IEEE international conferences. Dr. Hong Cai got his PhD degree from Tsinghua University in 1997.