Call for Posters/Demos
The ACM/IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI) welcomes
extended abstracts for presentation as posters and demos. We seek provocative ideas that challenge
existing approaches to IoT design and implementation, abstracts that sketch intriguing IoT systems and
share preliminary results and exciting demonstrations of novel IoT technology, applications and
hardware. We invite contributions from researchers and practitioners from industry and academia. IoTDI
2020 will be part of CPS-IoT Week in beautiful Sydney, Australia. Topics of interest include, but are
not limited to:
- Analytic foundations and theory of IoT
- Reliability, security, timeliness, and robustness in IoT systems
- Novel protocols and network abstractions
- Data streaming architectures and machine learning analytics for IoT
- IoT-motivated cyber-physical and Industrial IoT (IIoT) systems
- Novel quality requirements and their enforcement mechanisms
- Cloud back-ends and resource management for IoT applications
- Edge and fog computing
- Personal, wearable, and other embedded networked front-ends
- Social computing and human-in-the-loop issues
- Applications domains (e.g., smart cities, smart health, smart buildings, smart transportation)
- Deployment experiences, case studies & lessons learned
- Evaluation and testbeds
- AI/ML for IoT & Embedded Systems
- Energy/Power Management & Harvesting for IoT Platforms
The 2-page extended abstract describing the poster or demo will be evaluated based on technical merit,
innovation, and the potential to stimulate lively discussions at the conference. Accepted abstracts will
appear in the conference proceedings. At least one author of each accepted abstract must register and
present the poster/demo at the conference.
Madness Session
IoTDI’20 and IPSN’20 will co-host a 1-minute madness session, during which the author of each accepted
poster or demo has EXACTLY one minute to introduce their work at the main conference venue. Based on the
feedback from past years' attendees, the 1-minute madness session is perceived as lively and
interesting, and is typically very well attended.
Submission Instructions
- Poster and demonstration abstracts should be at most 2 single-spaced US Letter (8.5” x 11”) pages,
including all figures, tables, and references. All submissions must use the LaTeX (preferred) or
Word styles found at
Note that due to having both ACM and IEEE sponsorship, IoTDI uses ACM and IEEE templates alternating
between the years. For 2020, we will use IEEE templates as linked above using the 10-point type.
- The review process is single-blind, so there is no need to anonymize the submissions.
- The title of the abstract should be prepended with "Poster Abstract:" or "Demo Abstract:". Please
make sure to include the name, affiliation, and contact information of all authors.
- Demonstration abstracts should list any special requirements (tables, power, wireless connectivity,
etc.) in the submission on a separate third page. This third page is not part of the technical
content of the abstract, can be formatted at the discretion of the authors, and will not be included
in the camera-ready version of your abstract.
- Submission site:
Important Dates
Submission deadline:
Jan 24th 2020 (AoE) Jan 31st 2020 (AoE)
Feb 7th 2020 (AoE)
Camera-ready deadline:
Feb 16th 2020 (AoE)