Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions

Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions

Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions are organized by Congress participants on any topic they wish to propose. All are welcome to attend!

NLP for Auto ML Services
Monday July 11, 10:45-12:00
Room 011
Organized by Mehdi Bahrami, Fujitsu Research of America
Fabio Casati, Servicenow

On the one hand, an Automated-Machine Learning (AutoML) service aims to automate th eprocess of feature engineering, data engineering, hyper-parameter optimization, training, prediction and deployment of machine-learning models, where it minimizes human supervision in all stages. On the other hand, Natural Langauge Processing (NLP) can also be used in many stages of AutoML process from encoding given input dataset to explain the code which is generated by AutoMLs. Recently, AutoMLs services have shown significan improvement by utilizing NLP techniques. In this session, we will discuss the challenges in utilizing NLP techniques for AutoMLs.

Future of Cloud Storage and Challenges
Wednesday July 13, 14:15-15:30
Room 11
Organized by Rohon Kundu, Department of Electrical & Information Technology, Lund University

For any centralized cloud storage service ensuring the following three seemingly opposite demands: data security, data compression for efficient storage, and, protection against data loss is a challenging task. Most of the cloud storage services that we use daily are centralized in nature. With the rapid development in the decentralized space, it is quite interesting to see what the future of decentralized cloud storage holds. In this session, we aim to discuss the outstanding challenges with contemporary cloud storage in terms of both security as well as efficient data storage. Also, we will discuss whether the distributed ledger technology can bring positive changes in terms of cost-efficient storage while redefining security. Protocols like Filecoin and Storj are re-establishing the way we looked at cloud storage. At the same time, new security vulnerabilities arise for decentralized cloud storage too. It will be interesting to discuss the pros and cons of such a setting.

I would like to invite everybody who could be interested in discussing and contributing to this session.
Please feel free to contact me by dropping an email: rohon.kundu@eit.lth.se OR on Linkedin: Rohon Kundu