IEEE SSE 2023 - Program


Date/Time Session
Monday 7/3
8:00 - 18:00
Location: Soldier Field
IEEE Carl K. Chang Symposium on Software Services Engineering
Tuesday 7/4
8:00 - 9:10
Location: Gold Coast

Maintenance of Service-oriented Systems

Session Chair: Jose Garcia-Alonso
SID: Service Identification and Discovery Framework for Decentralised Supply Chains
Hang Zhao, Helen Paik, Qin Wang and Shiping Chen

MARTIN: An End-to-end Microservice Architecture for Predictive Maintenance in Industry 4.0
Abdessalam Elhabbash, Kamil Rogoda and Yehia Elkhatib

LogInsights: Understanding and Extracting Information from Logs for Fast Fault Classification by Weak Supervision
Suranjana Samanta, Prateeti Mohapatra, Yu Chin Fabian Lim, Meenakshi Madugula, Xiaotong Liu and Sarasi Lalithsena
Tuesday 7/4
9:25 - 10:35
Location: Gold Coast

DevOps & Service Engineering

Session Chair: Tiberiu Seceleanu
A workflow for the continuous deployment of quantum services
Javier Romero-Álvarez, Jaime Alvarado-Valiente, Enrique Moguel, Jose García-Alonso and Juan Manuel Murillo Rodríguez
SLOTSA: A Multi-Strategy Improved tunicate swarm algorithm for engineering constrained optimization problems
Wentao Wang, Chengshuai Fan, Zhongjie Pan and Jun Tian

Controlling Data Gravity and Data Friction: From Metrics to Multidimensional Elasticity Strategies
Boris Sedlak, Víctor Casamayor Pujol, Praveen Kumar Donta and Schahram Dustdar
Tuesday 7/4
10:50 - 12:00
Location: Gold Coast

Invited Papers

Session Chair: Sumi Helal
Chat2Code: A Chatbot for Model Specification and Code Generation, The Case of Smart Contracts
Ilham Qasse, Shailesh Mishra, Björn Þór Jónsson, Foutse Khomh and Mohammad Hamdaqa

Towards a Prime Directive of SLOs
Victor Casamajor Pujol & Schahram Dustdar

Non-Functional Certification of Modern Distributed Systems: A Research Manifesto
Claudio A. Ardagna, and Nicola Ben
Wednesday 7/5
14:00 - 15:10
Location: Haymarket

Trustworthiness-by-Design Architecture for Software Services

Session Chair: Juan Manuel Murillo Rodriguez
Automated Pattern-Based Recommendation for Improving API Operation Performance and Reliability in Cloud-Based Architectures
Amine El Malki and Uwe Zdun

QoSEraser: A Data Erasable Framework for Web Service QoS Prediction
Yuxiang Zeng, Yuhui Li, Zhiyu Xia, Zibo Du, Jialin Wang, Ruimin Lian and Jianlong Xu

A Generic Efficient Scientific Workflow Engine for the Optimizations of Run-time Execution
Changxin Bai, Junwen Liu, Anik Tahabilder, M M Imran, Shiyong Lu and Dunren Che
Wednesday 7/5
15:25 - 16:35
Location: Haymarket

Industrial Software Service Engineering

Session Chair: Kaoutar El Maghraoui
Implementing Cross-Organizational FDA Medical Device Design Controls Using Blockchain
Niranjan Marathe, Lawrence Chung and Tom Hill

Distributed and Intelligent API Mediation Service for Enterprise-grade Hybrid-multicloud Computing
Hongyi Bian, Rong N. Chang, Kumar Bhaskaran, Carl K. Chang and Wensheng Zhang

A Service Model of Predictive Maintenance for Autonomous and Connected Vehicles Using 5G
Khaled Mahmud, Kyle Galway, Edward Sykes and Brad Tizard
Wednesday 7/5
16:50 - 18:00
Location: Haymarket

AI Enabled Software Service Engineering

Session Chair: Jun Tian
Towards better ML-based software services: an investigation of source code engineering impact
Yanli Li, Chongbin Ye, Huaming Chen, Shiping Chen, Minhui Xue and Jun Shen

Deep Learning Machine Vision Solutions for Monitoring Safety Structures to Supplement Building Information Models
Tommi Aihkisalo, Anu Purhonen and Ilkka Niskanen

FactSheets for Hardware-Aware AI Models: A Case Study of Analog In Memory Computing AI Models
Brandon Dominique, Kaoutar El Maghraoui, David Piorkowski and Lorraine Herger
Thursday 7/6
14:00 - 15:10
Location: Gold Coast

IoT: Context Awareness & Autonomy

Session Chair: Ahmed Khaled
Situ-Oracle: A Learning-Based Situation Analysis Servicing Framework for BIoT Systems
Hongyi Bian, Wensheng Zhang and Carl K. Chang

M-MNFT: A Novel Modified (m, n)-Fault Tolerance Approach for Service Migration in Vehicular Edge Computing
Yawen Li, Xiaoning Sun, Yunni Xia, Peng Chen and Yin Li

Smart and Adaptive Routing Architecture: An Internet-of-Things Traffic Manager Based on Artificial Neural Networks
Amirali Amiri and Uwe Zdun
Thursday 7/6
15:25 - 16:35
Location: Gold Coast

Manageability-Preserved Dynamic Composition of Individually Administered Microservices

Session Chair: Shiping Chen
Agent Controlled Service Meshes for Resilient, Self-Adaptive Microservice System
Alan Colman, Anton Uzunov, Quoc Bao Vo and Mohan Baruwal Chhetri

Goal-Driven Adversarial Search for Distributed Self-Adaptive Systems
Saad Sajid Hashmi, Hoa Khanh Dam, Anton V. Uzunov, Mohan Baruwal Chhetri, Aditya Ghose and Alan Colman

Automatically Refactoring Application Transactions for Microservice-oriented Architecture
Ai Ishida, Yasuharu Katsuno, Akihiko Tozawa and Shin Saito