March 4
3DUI |
VR Workshops 1/2 |
VR Tutorial 1 |
VR Tutorial 2/3 |
Workshop 1: Off-The-Shelf Virtual Reality (OTSVR)
Tutorial 1: An in-depth intro to VR programming
Tutorial 2: Trends in Mobile AR
Keynote: Ivan Poupyrev, Programming Reality: From 3D UI to Physical Computing
Workshop 1: Off-The-Shelf Virtual Reality (OTSVR)
Tutorial 1: An in-depth intro to VR programming
Tutorial 2: Trends in Mobile AR
Workshop 2: Virtual Reality for Visualization Revisited
Tutorial 1: An in-depth intro to VR programming
Tutorial 3: Designing immersive VR systems: from bits to bolts
Workshop 2: Virtual Reality for Visualization Revisited
Tutorial 1: An in-depth intro to VR programming
Tutorial 3: Designing immersive VR systems: from bits to bolts
March 5
3DUI |
VR Workshops 3 |
VR Workshops 4/5 |
VR Tutorial 4 |
Workshop 3: Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems (SEARIS)
Workshop 4: Ambient Information Technologies (AMBIT)
Tutorial 4: Quantitative and Qualitative Methods for Human-Subject Experiments in Virtual and Augmented Reality
Workshop 3: Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems (SEARIS)
Workshop 4: Ambient Information Technologies (AMBIT)
Tutorial 4: Quantitative and Qualitative Methods for Human-Subject Experiments in Virtual and Augmented Reality
Workshop 3: Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems (SEARIS)
Workshop 5: Perceptual Illusion in Virtual Environments (PIVE)
Tutorial 4: Quantitative and Qualitative Methods for Human-Subject Experiments in Virtual and Augmented Reality
Workshop 3: Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems (SEARIS)
Workshop 5: Perceptual Illusion in Virtual Environments (PIVE)
Tutorial 4: Quantitative and Qualitative Methods for Human-Subject Experiments in Virtual and Augmented Reality
(Plaza Ballroom)
Mar 6 (Tue) |
Mar 7 (Wed) |
Mar 8 (Thu) |
Panel:Systems Engineering Science: Obsolete or Essential ?
Panel:Brain-Computer Interfaces and Virtual Reality: Present and Future Interactions
Poster and Demo "Fast Forward" Preview
Poster and Demo Core Time
Poster and Demo Core Time
Award Ceremony and Closing
UCI Open House with VR Welcome Dinner Reception (In 3 batches)