IC2E 2025 Call for Tutorials

The 13th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2025) invites proposals for tutorials on Cloud Engineering related topics. Tutorials should provide fresh insights, knowledge, and skills to professionals, educators, researchers, and students. They should focus on methods of widespread interest in the field, emerging paradigms ready for practical application, or those that need further research to achieve maturity.

Submission Guidlines

Tutorial proposals should be submitted in PDF via the Web submission form at EasyChair.

The proposal, limited to 1500 words, should address the following key points:

  • Title: Provide a clear and concise title for the tutorial.
  • Presenters and Affiliations: List all presenters along with their professional affiliations.
  • Goal: Outline the overall objective of the tutorial.
  • Scope: Specify the intended audience, the tutorial level (basic or advanced), and any prerequisites.
  • Relevance and Novelty: Highlight the significance of the topic and its innovative aspects.
  • Workshop format: Provide the expected duration (half or full-day).
  • Content Structure: Describe the planned structure and organization of the tutorial.
  • References: Include references to relevant papers, books, or previous events, and explain how this tutorial differs from prior ones.

The conference organization will provide general purpose Internet connections (eduroam...) for all participants. However, if tutorial organizers need additional technical support to run their tutorial, they should explicitly mention this in their proposal. Finally, tutorial presenters are expected to register for the conference and deliver the tutorial in person.

Selection Criteria

The tutorial chairs will review each proposal and select a subset of them based on their relevance to the field of cloud engineering and the appeal to the conference audience. The tutorial chairs will also consider the complementarity of the proposal with respect to the conference program and other tutorial proposals.

Important Dates
  • Submission Deadline: April 02, 2025
  • Notification Due: April 15, 2025
  • Final Version Due due: May 10, 2025

Tutorial Chairs