A gastronomical highlight
All regions of France take pride in their culinary traditions, and Rennes is no exception to
this rule. Rennes is located a stone's throw from the Atlantic ocean and is therefore famous for
its magnificent seafood.
Other local specialties include crêpes,
various types of pastries,
and vegan food and many others. There are countless restaurants in town where these can
be tasted in a cosy and friendly atmosphere.
A Hub of Innovation and Education in France
Rennes is the 2nd-largest digital hub in France (after Paris), and the
largest education and research center in the West of France. With over
70,000 students on a population of 250,000, Rennes is a peaceful yet vibrant
city. It is also an internationally-recognized high-tech R&D center in cloud
computing, networks and media.
A Leading Center for Research and Development in France
Rennes is the home of IRISA/Inria which is the largest
public research center
for Informatics in France (800+ employees including full-time researchers,
professors, postdocs, engineers, PhD students, and support staff). Rennes
is also a major center for industrial R&D with several major
companies having a significant fraction of their R&D located here: Orange,
Alcatel-Lucent, Broadpeak, Thales, Canon, Thomson etc. This ecosystem
is complemented by hundreds of high-tech SMEs, start-up incubators, etc.