Call for Papers

Important Notice – Worldwide Services Computing Community - The IEEE World Congress on Services launched by the IEEE TCSVC from the start is celebrating its 12th anniversary in 2018. For continuity and worldwide recognition and visibility, authors are hereby reminded of the importance of continuing archiving and indexing of past and future IEEE proceedings, such as IEEE ICWS and IEEE SCC. Read More
July 2 - 7, 2018, San Francisco, USA
The IEEE World Congress on Services (IEEE SERVICES 2018), created and owned by IEEE since 2009, will be held on July 2-7, 2018 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in San Francisco, California, USA. The scope of the Congress will cover all aspects of innovative services computing and applications, current and emerging.
A number of IEEE sponsored conferences as part of the IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES) already existed before 2009, and became the co-located conferences when the Congress was formed in 2009. See the SERVICES History Page.
It involves various systems and networking aspects, such as cloud, edge, and Internet-of-Things (IoT), as well as other research and technologies, such as intelligent computing, learning techniques, and big data, including quality factors, such as high performance, security, privacy, dependability, trustworthiness, and cost-effectiveness.
The Congress with the following seven conferences/congresses is solely sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society under the auspice of the Technical Committee on Services Computing (TCSVC). Original manuscripts are invited to submit to these conferences/congresses considered with most suitable from the technical point of view.
IEEE International Congress on Big Data (IEEE BigDataCongress 2018)
General Chair: Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University
General Co-chair: Francisco Henrrera, University of Granada
Program Chair: Shadi Ibrabim, INRIA
Program Co-chair: Isaac Triguero, University of Nottingham
Program Co-chair: Bingsheng He, National University of Singapore
Please submit your IEEE BigDataCongress 2018 paper at
IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (IEEE CLOUD 2018)
General Chair: Geoffrey C. Fox, Indiana University
General Co-chair: Daniel Reed, University of Iowa
Program Chair: Ian Foster, the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory
Program Co-chair: Jia Zhang, Carnegie Mellon University
Please submit your IEEE CLOUD 2018 paper at
IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing (IEEE EDGE 2018)
General Chair: Andrzej Goscinski, Deakin University
General Co-chair: Dennis Gannon, Indiana University
Program Chair: Hong Zhu, Oxford Brookes University
Program Co-chair: Shangguang Wang, Beijing University of Post and Telecommunication
Please submit your IEEE EDGE 2018 paper at
IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Computing (IEEE ICCC 2018)
General Chair: Jeffrey Tsai, Asia University
General Co-chair: Ernesto Damiani, University of Milan
Program Chair: Xiaoqing Frank Liu, University of Arkansas
Program Co-chair: Incheon Paik, University of Aizu
Please submit your IEEE ICCC 2018 paper at
IEEE International Congress on Internet of Things (IEEE ICIOT 2018)
General Chair: Rong N. Chang, IBM Research
General Co-chair: Manish Parashar, Rutgers University
Program Chair: Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology
Program Co-chair: Zibin Zheng, Sun Yat-Sen University
Please submit your IEEE ICIOT 2018 paper at
IEEE International Conference on Web Services (IEEE ICWS 2018)
General Chair: Peter Chen, Carnegie Mellon University
General Co-chair: Nimish Radia, Ericsson Research
Program Chair: Bhavani Thuraisingham, University of Texas Dallas
Program Co-chair: Yushun Fan, Tsinghua University
Please submit your IEEE ICWS 2018 paper at
IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (IEEE SCC 2018)
General Chair: Xiaofei Xu, Harbin Institute of Technology
General Co-chair: Michael Goul, Arizona State University
Program Chair: Ilkey Altintas, University of California, San Diego
Program Co-chair: Yan Wang, Macquarie University
Please submit your IEEE SCC 2018 paper at
Manuscript Guidelines and Submission Information
Please download the paper template in WORD or LaTeX.
All submitted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 program committee members. Accepted papers with confirmed presentation will appear in the conference proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society Press. Each conference/congress will publicly announce the winners of its Best Paper Award, and Best Student Paper Award. The authors of selected papers will be encouraged to submit extended and enhanced versions of their papers to the IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC) and other suitable journals.
Submitted Regular and Workshop Papers will be limited to 8 (IEEE Proceedings style) pages and REQUIRED to be formatted using the IEEE Proceedings template. Submitted Work-In-Progress Papers will be limited to 4 (IEEE Proceedings style) pages. Unformatted papers and papers beyond the page limit may not be reviewed.
Important Dates
Regular Papers:
Full Paper Submission Due Date: January 10, 2018 March 7, 2018 (Final)
Decision Notification (email): March 15, 2018 April 18, 2018 (Extended)
Camera-Ready Copy Due Date: April 6, 2018 May 26, 2018 (Extended)
Workshop and Work-In-Progress Papers:
Full Paper Submission Due Date: January 10, 2018 March 7, 2018 (Final)
Decision Notification (email): March 15, 2018 April 18, 2018 (Extended)
Camera-Ready Copy Due Date: April 6, 2018 May 26, 2018 (Extended)
IEEE Policy
Review Policy
IEEE Policy and professional ethics require that referees treat the contents of papers under review as privileged information not to be disclosed to others before publication. It is expected that no one with access to a paper under review will make any inappropriate use of the special knowledge, which that access provides. Contents of abstracts submitted to conference program committees should be regarded as privileged as well, and handled in the same manner. The Conference Publications Chair shall ensure that referees adhere to this practice.
Organizers of IEEE conferences are expected to provide an appropriate forum for the oral presentation and discussion of all accepted papers. An author, in offering a paper for presentation at an IEEE conference, or accepting an invitation to present a paper, is expected to be present at the meeting to deliver the paper. In the event that circumstances unknown at the time of submission of a paper preclude its presentation by an author, the program chair should be informed on time, and appropriate substitute arrangements should be made. In some cases it may help reduce no-shows for the Conference to require advance registration together with the submission of the final manuscript.
About IEEE
IEEE is the world’s largest professional association advancing innovation and technological excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community to innovate for a better tomorrow through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities. IEEE is the trusted “voice” for engineering, computing and technology information around the globe.
About IEEE Computer Society
With nearly 85,000 members, the IEEE Computer Society (CS) is the world’s leading organization of computing professionals. Founded in 1946, and the largest of the 38 societies of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the CS is dedicated to advancing the theory and application of computer and information-processing technology.
About the Technical Committee on Services Computing
Founded in 2003, IEEE Computer Society’s Technical Committee on Services Computing (TCSVC) is a multidisciplinary group whose purpose is to advance and coordinate work in the field of Services Computing carried out throughout the IEEE in scientific, engineering, standard, literary and educational areas. IEEE TCSVC membership details are available at
Contact Information
Send inquiries to ieeecs DOT services AT gmail DOT com