Tues 9/7
4:10 - 5:30 am UTC time |
YES 1 |
Kenneth Fletcher University of Massachusetts Boston
Shangguang Wang, BUPT |
Opening Remarks
Distinguished Speech 2021 IEEE TCSVC Rising Star Awardee
Panel Discussion Panelists:
Rajiv Ranjan
Dr. Rajiv Ranjan is an Australian-British computer scientist, of Indian origin, known for his research in Distributed Systems (Cloud Computing, Big Data, and the Internet of Things). He is University Chair Professor for the Internet of Things research in the School of Computing of Newcastle University, United Kingdom. He is the director of Networked and Ubiquitous Systems Engineering (NUSE) Group, jointly with Dr. Graham Morgan, in the School of Computing. He is also the Academic Director of School of Computing and the Research Director of Newcastle Urban Observatory. He is an internationally established scientist in the area of Distributed Systems (having published over 250 scientific papers out of which about 50 papers in the IEEE/ACM Transactions Journals).
Shuiguang Deng
Dr. Shuiguang Deng is a full professor at the College of Computer Science and Technology in Zhejiang University, where he received the BS and PhD both in Computer Science in 2002 and 2007, respectively. He worked at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2014 and at Stanford University in 2015 as a visiting scholar. He is a Fellow of IET, IEEE Senior Member, Senior Member of the China Computer Federation (CCF), CCF Service Computing Technical Standing Committee Member and CCF Software Technical Committee Member. His research interests include Service Computing, Edge Computing, Business Process Management and Big Data. He serves for the journal IEEE Trans. on Services Computing, Knowledge and Information Systems, Computing, and IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications as an Associate Editor. Up to now, he has published more than 100 papers in journals such as IEEE TOC, TPDS, TSC, TCYB and TNNLS, and refereed conferences including WWW, CHI, ER, ICWS, ICSOC, et al. He got the ICSOC 2017 Best Paper Award, the WWW2017 Best Post Nominee Award, and the IEEE NetSoft 2020/IEEE ICWS 2019/CollaborateCOM 2019/SCC 2012 Best Student Paper Award. He also has published two Chinese monographs and three English monograph published by IET, Elsevier and Springer, respectively. He has won the second National Science and Technology Advancement Award in 2010 and the first Provincial and Ministerial Scientific and Technological Progress Awards in 2008,2009, and 2014, respectively. He was granted the IEEE TCSVC Rising Star Award in 2018 and CCF TCSC Outstanding Achievement Award in 2020.
Karuna P. Joshi
Dr. Karuna Pande Joshi's primary research area is Data Science, Legal Text Analytics, Cloud Computing and Healthcare IT. She is currently developing projects related to Oblivious Cloud and Automating Cloud Legal Documents. She has developed a framework to automate the acquisition and consumption of cloud-based services. She has also worked in collaboration with NIST to develop standards for Cloud Usability. Her research interests also include Big Data analytics, Databases, Web Technologies and Data mining. Dr. Joshi has been awarded research grants by NSF, ONR, DoD, Cisco and GE Research. She was also awarded the NSF I-Corps award and TEDCO MII grant to explore commercial opportunities for her research and has created a start-up on Data Science and Cloud technologies. She received her MS and PhD in Computer Science from UMBC, where she was twice awarded the prestigious IBM PhD Fellowship. She did her Bachelor of Engineering (Computers) from University of Mumbai.
Tues 9/7
5:40 - 7:00 am UTC time |
YES 2 |
Claudio Ardagna, Università degli Studi di Milano
Marco Anisetti, Università degli Studi di Milano |
Opening Remarks
Distinguished Speech An Intelligent Cloud Continuum to Take on the Biggest Challenges of This Decade
Gopal S. Pingali, Accenture
We are at the beginning of what appears to be an epochal decade in the history of humankind. In a change that has been triggered and accelerated by the global pandemic, the world is now being redefined into a hyper-digital model that is essential for both survival and growth of all businesses. Every industry – spanning Healthcare, Manufacturing, Energy, Media, Communications, Banking, Insurance, Public Services, Agriculture, Education, and Travel – is moving faster than ever to an intelligent cloud continuum spanning private clouds, multiple clouds, 5G, and the Edge that is powered by AI and the Internet of Things. This transformation is also fundamentally changing people’s lives – how they work, live, learn, play, socialize, and grow. In this talk, we will give an overview of the evolving intelligent cloud continuum, compelling use cases in different industries, and the opportunities for rising stars in services computing to take on the biggest challenges of this decade ranging from new cloud programming models to achieving sustainable development goals.
Dr. Gopal Pingali is an internationally known technology, innovation, and transformation executive with extensive experience in driving digital transformation across multiple industries leveraging Cloud, AI, and Automation technologies. Gopal is currently Managing Director for Hybrid Cloud at Accenture.
Gopal pioneered innovations in many areas including Cloud, AI, Internet of Things, Real-time Video Tracking Systems, Autonomous Vehicles, and Nanotechnology. He has over 60 patents and over 60 peer-reviewed publications.
Gopal has worked across the US and India and built several global organizations with an entrepreneurial spirit. His previous roles include CEO of cYAAG – a cloud startup to accelerate growth of social enterprises, Vice President at IBM for Cloud Transformation and Global Technology Services Labs (GTS Labs), Research Director at the IBM TJ Watson Research Center, and Research Leader at AT&T Bell Labs. He obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Michigan.
Panel Discussion: Growth of YESC Community Panelists:
Claudio Ardagna, Università degli Studi di Milano
Dr. Claudio Agostino Ardagna is an Associate Professor at the Dipartimento di Informatica, Università degli Studi di Milano. He received the Ph.D degree in Computer Science from the Università degli Studi di Milano in February 2008. He is the winner of the ERCIM STM WG 2009 award for the best PhD thesis on security and trust management in an European University. His research interests are in the area of information security and privacy in distributed and mobile networks, with particular consideration of cloud and SOA security, mobile network privacy and anonymity, and access control models and languages. Within the above areas, he has published more than 100 contributions in international journals, conference/workshop proceedings, and chapters in international books. His work has appeared, among the others, in the ACM Transactions on the Web, the ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, the IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, and the IEEE Transactions on Service Computing. He is a co–author (with Prof. Ernesto Damiani and Nabil El Ioini) of the book “Open Source Systems Security Certification” published by Springer (2009). He has been visiting researcher at the ETISALAT BT Innovation Center (EBTIC), Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE (January-February 2014), and at the Center for Secure Information Systems (CSIS), George Mason University, VA, USA (June-August 2008, August 2009, and August 2010). He has been program co-chair for some international conferences and workshops, has served as member of the program committee of many international conferences and as reviewer of many international journals in the area of network and information security, and serves/has served in the editorial board of some international journals. He has participated in several national and international projects including EU FP6 and FP7 projects PRIME, PrimeLife, ASSERT4SOA, and CUMULUS. He received International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Silver Core Award “in recognition of outstanding services to IFIP” in 2013.
Shangguang Wang, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Dr. Shangguang Wang is a Professor at the School of Computing, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China. He received his Ph.D degree at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2011. He is a Vice-Director of the State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology. He has published more than 150 papers, and his research interests include service computing, mobile edge computing, cloud computing, and Space-air-ground Computing. He served as General Chairs or TPC Chairs of IEEE EDGE 2020, IEEE CLOUD 2020, IEEE SAGC 2020, IEEE EDGE 2018, and IEEE ICFCE 2017, etc. He is currently serving as Chair of IEEE Technical Committee on Services Computing (2022-2013), and Vice-Chair of IEEE Technical Committee on Cloud Computing (2020-). He is a senior member of the IEEE.
Vaijayanthi Desai, IBM GTS Labs
Marco Anisetti, Università degli Studi di Milano
Dr. Marco Anisetti is an Associate Professor at the Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy. He received the Ph.D degree in Computer Science from the Università degli Studi di Milano in 2009. He is the winner of the GIRPR award for the best PhD thesis in 2010 and the winner of Chester Sall Award from IEEE Consumer Electronics Society in 2009. His research interests are in the area of Computational Intelligence and its application to the design and evaluation of complex systems and services. More in details, he has been investigating innovative solutions in the areas of Cloud and Web Service security assurance evaluation and software/service certification where Computational Intelligence provides new notions of ordering and matching of security properties. In this area, he defined a new scheme for continuous and incremental Cloud/Web service security certification, based on distributed assurance evaluation architecture that percolated in his Moon Cloud spin-off. He is currently investigating the application of Big Data technologies for i) the computation of security assurance metrics including behavioral-based analytics, ii) design of security and privacy-aware health-related applications, iii) compute trustworthiness and assurance metrics in Cloud, Edge and IoT and for AI models. In addition, he investigates/has investigated the adoption of advanced Computational Intelligence approaches such as fuzzy and rough set for the design of: i) low-level functionalities like mobile geolocation and image enhancement, ii) high-level applications in the areas of cloud-based Humanized Computing. In this area, he designed an innovative geolocation approach for mobile devices based on the received signal strength, innovative missing color prediction approach for the image acquisition pipeline. He participated in more than 10 EU projects including FP7 ASSET4SOA and FP7 CUMULUS, H2020 EVOTION, H2020 CONCORDIA, H2020 IMPETUS, H2020 CounteR to name but a few. The results of research activities have been published in more than 100 papers in international conference/workshop proceedings, journals, and chapters in books. He is a co-inventor of the European Patent titled "Method, System, Network and Computer Program Product for Positioning in a Mobile Communications Network".
Kenneth Fletcher, University of Massachusetts Boston
Dr. Kenneth Fletcher is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at University of Massachusetts Boston (UMass Boston). He received his Ph.D. in 2015 from Missouri University of Science and Technology in Computer Science with emphasis in Software Design and Development. Prior to joining UMass Boston, Kenneth worked with Product Innovation and Engineering as a Software Engineer where he worked on software development projects from Siemens, NASA, and BOEING. He has a patent and several publications in top conferences and journals in his research areas. His research spans Services and Cloud Computing, Software Engineering and Additive Manufacturing.