2021 IEEE SERVICES - IEEE International Symposium on on Quantum Software and Services (QSAS)
Call for Papers
Symposium Dates: TBAQuantum computing is one of the latest fundamental advances in computation and nowadays we begin to see how companies start to offer this computational model, using various technologies. Quantum computers can solve problems that are classically intractable or solve problems with higher precision, respectively. Software that makes use of quantum computers is referred to as quantum software. To gain experience with quantum software it is important to allow the users to access this technology, to continue research, and perform experiments with this technology that is still adapted day by day. With this in mind, we observe that over the last years cloud-based access to quantum computers as well as associated services appeared.
Research institutions, companies, and startups are building this new ecosystem of services on top this new computation paradigm. They exploit the maturity of the cloud to facilitate access to and usage of this paradigm.
There are a lot of challenges about how to create and use this next generation of software and services that take advantage of quantum computers, especially how we are going to combine them with classical infrastructures and services, or how we are going to integrate quantum software in our business process and production pipelines.
Questions like these are the motivation for this inaugural Quantum Software and Services (QSAS) event of IEEE Computer Society. It will allow researchers and practitioners from industry and academia to discuss about what should be the next steps in this new field.
The inaugural IEEE QSAS Symposium provides a forum for leading researchers, practitioners, and visionaries to share their R&D findings, experiences, or visions about quantum software and services. It will be held as a cross-conference event at IEEE SERVICES 2021, featuring distinguished speeches, panels, invited talks, paper presentations, a Hackathon, and a tutorial. Please stay tuned for program updates.
We extend an invitation to all to participate and make it a success.
Technical research papers are welcome to be submitted to the special track on “Quantum Software and Services (QSAS)” of IEEE ICWS 2021, see CFP web page of IEEE ICWS 2021 for submission details. A Special Paper Award is provided for the special track as well. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Cloud quantum service model
- Orchestration of hybrid quantum applications
- Web and cloud access to quantum computers
- Development tools for quantum software
- Programming model for quantum software
Please download the paper template in WORD, LaTeX or Overleaf.
Language: English
Paper size and format: US Letter; Two-column format in the IEEE style
Page limit: * Every full paper submission can include up to 10 pages for the main contents (including all text, footnotes, figures, tables and appendices) with additional pages for appropriate references.
* Up to three pages for panel position statement submission (including main contents and references).
Please submit your papers to the Symposium via EasyChair at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ieeeservices2021
All submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee. Accepted papers of the Symposium will be included in the Congress proceedings for IEEE ICWS 2021 and published in IEEE Xplore.
Paper submission due: 20 June 2021
Notification to authors: 5 July 2021
Camera-ready and registration due: 15 July 2021
Honorary General ChairsSchahram Dustdar, Technical University of Vienna
Jay Gambetta, IBM Research, TJ Watson Research Center
General Chairs
Ismael Faro, IBM Research, TJ Watson Research Center
Frank Leymann, University of Stuttgart
Advisory Committee
Chris Codella, IBM Research, TJ Watson Research Center
Program Chairs
Sebastian Feld, TU Delft Stefan Wörner, IBM Research, TJ Watson Research Center
Elena Yndurain, IE
Panel Chairs on Startups
Gilad Ben-Sach, IBM Research
César A. Rodríguez, Strangeworks
Panel Chairs on Ecosystem
Abe Asfaw, IBM Research
Manuel Wimmer, University Linz<\