Why support and exhibit at IEEE VR/3DUI/Haptics?
- Your organization will have the opportunity to meet 400 or more influential conference participants – and
potential customers – from government, industry, and academia around the world that specialize in immersive
environments, user interfaces, and content creation and analysis.
- Increase visibility among conference attendees through print, media, and personal contact. The VR 2008 exhibits
will be held in the main conference hall in high traffic areas, and will be the location of the Sunday evening
reception as well as the location for breakfast and break food service.
- Your logos will be displayed on conference support placards, interstitial displays of the technical presentations,
the conference web page, and will also be included in the conference proceedings and the final program (subject
to print deadlines).
Contact any of the following regarding your interest and questions or to request a prospectus!
Exhibits Co-Chairs:
Jarrell Pair
Skip Rizzo
Dan Coming
Conference Co-Chairs:
William Sherman
Doug Bowman
Conference Services Manager:
April Coles, A.Coles@ieee.org